Jody and Shania support property investors achieve their goals through strategic advice, tax, systems, and they help landlords get the most from their property portfolios, whether they are buying, selling or expanding.
Shania helps landlords and vendors through structured deals and tax, achieve the best price for their property.
Manage all aspects of your business when and where you need it: at work, home, or on the go.
Free Business Resources
Free tools and resources to help you grow and manage your property business.
Let's Talk
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Part of your power team
We’ll help make your property dreams come true. Whether you want help analysing the pros and cons of your next deal or you need advice on your property tax structure, we’re here to help support your entire business journey. Our clients appreciate the genuine care and attention they receive because right from the start we take the time to understand them and their vision. As property accountants who invest in real estate as well, we have connections within the property community, such as such as solicitors, builders, surveyors, brokers, agents, software suppliers which you can tap into as well.